Amazon Store Setup And Management: The What, Why, And How

The recently concluded 48-hour event, Prime Day has become the largest shopping event in Amazon’s history. Prime members bought 175 million items, surpassing Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales combined. This year’s event broke all records as the number of items being bought was up from 100 million as compared to the previous year (2018).

Time and again Amazon has proved to be the online shopping platform of choice for a majority of buyers. With 1.2 billion product searches daily, it has become the go-to marketplace for online browsing. The fact that Jeff Bezos makes more money than any person in the world, is a testament to Amazon’s success.

Thus, setting up your store on it can be an excellent opportunity for you to increase your customer base and product reach. But, it can be an arduous task. Sellers need to take care of the following things before getting started:

  • Adding Basic Seller Profile Information
  • Uploading Products
  • Updating And Maintaining Your Product Listing
  • Description And Bullet Points
  • Eye-catching Product Images
  • Managing Back-End Tasks (Inventory control and orders)
  • Product Taxonomy And Organization

Don’t let Amazon store setup become a bootless errand. Opting for Amazon store setup services will help you with all the non-core activities. This way, you will have more time to focus on your core tasks.

Even after listing your products on Amazon, the work is not yet done. It is an ongoing process that requires undivided attention. Sellers need to optimize their listings periodically and in accordance with the updated guidelines. Following are the key pointers of Amazon Product Listing:

  • Product Title

Your product title should be to the point and instantly tell visitors, searchers, and Amazon what your product is all about. You must take care of the following things:

  • Implement primary keywords
  • Use a maximum of 200 characters
  • USP’s of the product should be included
  • Do not include prices, promotions, symbols, seller information, etc.
  • Product Images

Humans process visuals more easily than words. Images that aren’t optimized can negatively affect a product listing’s performance, and therefore, conversions. Make sure the images are clear, visually appealing and brightly lit to drive more traffic. Also, adding shadows to your images gives them a real look.

  • Key Product Features

Key product features include bullet points. Put yourself in the shoes of the customer.  Make it a point to include the most important features at the top as many viewers will skim read. Include guarantees or warranty of the product.

  • Product Listing Description

While describing your product, include your targeted keywords and mention the key features and benefits. Refrain from crafting way too many sentences. A total count of 15-25 sentences should suffice.

  • Amazon Product Reviews

Product reviews are very crucial as they help in building trust and confidence in your product. Positive reviews and feedback can help improve traffic and conversions. Even if a negative one, respond to feedback religiously and resolve all the queries that come up.

  • Amazon Product Rating

The customer reviews that you receive are important as they fuel your product rating. The product that has a good rating is more likely to rank higher in the SERP. Look out for bad reviews if there are any, and get them fixed ASAP.

Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of your product listing is a must. Hiring specialists for Amazon store management can be very helpful for a complete overhaul of your store.  

It can be a tough task finding the right service provider that suits your requirements. Not to worry, Data4Amazon fits the bill perfectly and can help you with the arduous task of setting up and managing an Amazon store. Send your queries at, along with a brief description of your requirements.

Published by Lisa Russel

I am working for Data4Amazon, an organization that helps e-Commerce sellers boost their sales on Amazon via product listing optimization, a+ content writing, product description writing and more.

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